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Portrait of Dr. Kuykendall, leading Dermatologist at Kuykendall Dermatology in Edmond, OK

Meet Dr. Kuykendall

Dr. Kuykendall is a board certified Dermatologist from Little Rock, AR. She went to college at the age of 17 and graduated with honors from Arkansas State University with a BS in Zoology in 1996. She then worked doing research at the Cancer Treatment Center in Little Rock for a year before grad school. She then completed her MS in Pathology from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 1999 with extensive research at the VA and graduated with honors. She then completed medical school at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2003 and graduated number 1 in her class and received numerous awards. During medical school she also was published in top journals and did extensive research on various skin disorders and cancers. She then completed an intern year at OU family medicine department in 2004 where she learned a great deal of general medicine. She then completed a rigorous Dermatology residency at OU where she trained under the top Dermatologists in the nation.

She graduated in 2007 and moved to Tulsa where she ran a successful Dermatology solo practice for over 10 years. She then joined a corporation when her practice was growing and quickly learned corporate medicine was not for her. She then moved back to Edmond and is thrilled to open up her own solo clinic again starting January 2023.

In her free time she loves to run with her dogs and spending time with her 4 kids, 3 dogs, and a cat. She spends her time when not working at her kids’ sports activities including competitive soccer, softball, and gymnastics.


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